How to Cook Fish Funny Destruction Yelling Video

lebron james game 1 reaction

LeBron James and J.R. Smith | Twitter/David_C_Steele/ABC

LeBron James and J.R. Smith | Twitter/David_C_Steele/ABC

2018's memes had large shoes to make full -- it's tough to beat a twelvemonth of blinking guy, Table salt Bae, and disrespectful swain. But if there's i affair we've learned about years, it'south that each ane somehow manages to become more and more befuddling than the last. So as we continue to make sense (and light) of our hell world, here are a mere handful of the memes we've enjoyed throughout the year, a log we've painstakingly updated, as a prissy respite from, you know, all the other stuff.

Check out the best memes of 2017 here.


Tide Pods

Though the Tide Pod fascination started way dorsum in 2012, it reached a hell pitch this month, when teens began posting videos of themselves taking chomps out of the colorful little detergent packets. Bear with me: We agree eating Tide Pods and Gain Flings is capital letter-"B" bad (don't!), but some of the stuff to come up out of the Tide Pod Challenge has been GOOD. See: this insane Gronk PSA, these pizzas, these urgent and kind of awkward responses from Tide, these safety precautions. The other big silver lining here is that the unfavorable spike in publicity means manufacturers will have to keep working hard to brand the pods safer and less appealing, snack-wise. (Something they've been trying to do for years.) So a big cheers to teens, for making the world a stupider -- just safer! -- place for the residue of us.

Off Ramps

A Photoshopped still from this "How to get out thruway like a boss" video became the new "I should probably not do this, but fuck it, I'm doing this."

Kylo Ren pants

The well-nigh unbelievable part of Star Wars: The Terminal Jedi? You could make any number of convincing arguments, including but non limited to: Vice Admiral Holdo's suicide assault, a apply of silence so arresting information technology made people remember the motion-picture show was broken; the lightsaber battle that took place in Snoke's throne room, a stunning display of choreography and unlikely teamwork; the bombing of the Dreadnaught, a true masterclass in smash-biting suspense; Broom Child's salute to the stars, a coda that evoked a perfect sort of New Hope feeling.

Or, you lot could just point to the moment Kylo Ren showed everyone his high pants, the almost right. They didn't quite bear on the nips, but almost (!), and cheers to the challenges and mysteries that followed, fans won't soon forget.

Google Arts & Culture selfies

How many famous paintings is your face in? None, merely Google sought to fudge the month-old question with a selfie feature on its Arts & Culture app, which used facial recognition technology to match your mug with a similar-ish-looking i in a renowned portrait hanging somewhere in a museum. People tried to savor this thing -- "Google Figures Out How to Brand People Care About Art: Selfies," sang Bloomberg, and "Google'due south Fine art Selfies Are Fun just Stir Upwards Potential Privacy Concerns," said Adweek (very hard to fully savour things these days) -- earlier getting artistic. Added Apollo, god of the arts: "Please cease."

Michaela Coel

Given its subject matter, Black Mirror episodes always seem ripe for the memeing. Though the late 2017 release of Season 4 saw some good ones come out of "Metalhead" and "Black Museum," this Michaela Coel'due south screengrab from "USS Callister" was the true MVP.

The #Girther movement

Thanking Chris Hayes for a meme might feel every bit wrong as thanking a parent for drugs, merely here we are. Thank you, Mr. Hayes. After the head of the Donald Trump Rockin' Bod fan club told reporters our president was in excellent shape, the MSNBC host coined the term "girther" for "those who believe the president weighs more than his md reports." Hayes hasn't been knighted still, because we don't practise that sort of thing here, but the comparisons that sprang from his noble public service were the tiniest, non-at-all-equitable bit of karma for the human being who was a major actor in the racist birther motility.


The casual fanfiction that resulted from this hashtag was great, simply best of all, nosotros learned that the surreal comedy duo known every bit The Lucas Brothers wrote an blithe show where they get stuck in a magical HBCU. (We need information technology now.)

Absolute unit

Correct before the end of 2017, British hotelier David Morgan-Hewitt inspired what some call the successor to the reckless "big adult son" miracle. "Where the large son is unchecked energy, an accented unit is the flick of poise," wrote MEL Magazine's Miles Klee, "proof that the seemingly uncontainable aggression of mammoth males tin can button itself up; that men may break with patrilineal pressure, becoming something other than bumbling junior apprentice. Unlike large adult sons, the unit isn't bound by the inconvenience of gender. Properly speaking, the absolute unit needn't be masculine, or even homo -- but absolute." Behold, curiosity abroad.

click to play video

Joker Z./YouTube

Karma's a bitch

Nearly the end of the month, nosotros got this fun, mostly wholesome, endlessly rewatchable claiming, in which participants lip-sync Veronica's now-infamous line from Riverdale Season ii, toss something in forepart of their face, and transform into some sort of vehement alter ego. Turns out revenge is a dish best served… with a new face up?

What'south your child texting about?

Worried virtually what your kids are really discussing online? It tin be difficult to go along up with teens, their ever-irresolute trends, and their mystifying slanguage. Fear not. Taking a folio out of this influential decoder'south book, internet heroes take -- thankfully! -- been doing the Lord's work, unmasking classic acronyms and abbreviations and revealing what they truly are. At least for very specific cliques.

My FBI agent

Edward Snowden. Charlie Brooker. A gentle but consistent stream of hacking news. Whether because of pop civilization or current events, many internet users now seem carelessly aware that someone might be spying on them through their phones and laptops. Cause for panic? No, more like,Wow, someone'southward spying on me? Hello, new friend!Though these jokes have been floating around for a few months, it hasn't been until recently that they've actually taken hold. Fortunately, anybody seems to have a better relationship with the person spying on them than the child in that i Black Mirror episode.


Though February flew by, it was a month punctuated by major events. The Super Bowl. The Grammys. The second coming of the Green Yard&Chiliad. All delivered, in i way or another, unless you were rooting for Kendrick Lamar to win Anthology of the Twelvemonth.

click to play video


Precious When You Smiling

Bazzi'south "Mine" came out concluding year, but the song has gotten new life in contempo months thanks to a floating-heart filter from Snapchat. In other words, a match made in sky.

Super Bowl selfie kid

The Super Bowl yielded several great internet moments, but the standout was this kid who, near the terminate of Justin Timberlake'due south halftime extravaganza, quickly fumbled for his phone and tried to snag some "Super Bowl Selfies!" "I just thought to myself, 'I'll never get this opportunity again in my whole life,'" the kid told the Pioneer Press. "I only went for it." On the inside, he was plainly excited, but on the exterior, it looked like he was furiously preoccupied with everything from "Cat Person" and Scientology to the strange fact that someone who may or may not have been Ellen DeGeneres was standing correct next to him.

Bullet Man

Outside the Alpensia Ski Jumping Heart in PyeongChang, S Korea, stand Diglett'southward cousins, 3 argent statues of helmeted muscle-men, aka "Bullet Men." They are naked. They are phallic. They are ane of the best highlights to come out of this year'southward Winter Olympics. Because when they're not busy standing all the same, they are getting memed to hell and dorsum.

Light-green Grand&M

Last year, Tumblr user relishboi shared a rather demanding bulletin from the Dark-green K&M: "at present mind to me young human, i am talking directly into your ear now. i need you to do me a favor. you will do this for me. i need you to go to gamestop, and i need you lot to ask the bastard working the counter if they have bambi on the ps2. if you come up dorsum empty handed youll be in big trouble mister. you lot will never see the light of day." It's been quite some fourth dimension since that initial posting, only make no mistake, she'south dorsum and she really wants that Bambi.

"I pledge to work for gratuitous"

Joining the passionate chorus of psychos advocating for more weapons in schools, Twitter user CarlosCruz2016 posted a picture of himself, sporting weapons and combat gear, with the caption: "I PLEDGE TO WORK FOR FREE for any school to assist secure the children. I am a 29 year retired veteran, Infantry Sergeant Major, U.S. Ground forces Ranger with combat experience. I have a muffle comport, Chief and Alternating side arms, an AR-15, and all necessary tactical gear." It sounded like the kind of bold, declarative, ultimately insane tweet James Woods might write. It wasn't, only it yet got mercilessly sent up past the internet.

Gym Kardashian

In an alternate universe, Popeye and Kris Jenner raised a kid. Her name? Gym Kardashian.

Change my listen

On Feb 16, bourgeois "comedian" Steven Crowder gear up a tabular array on Texas Christian University's campus with a sign that read, "Male privilege is a myth. Change my mind." He and so tweeted a film of himself at said table, belongings a java mug, grinning hesitantly. It's unclear if anyone changed his mind, but plenty changed his sign.


Savage Patrick

A piffling similar Evil Kermit, but Patrick.

Jennifer Garner clapping at the Oscars

Movement over, Meryl. (Yeah, you lot managed to ane-up your onetime meme, a wildly impressive but besides extremely expected feat.) Jennifer Garner, clapping at the Oscars like a dying Energizer Bunny who realized information technology left the oven on and maybe burned down the house, is our new hero.

Ready Player One posters

The squad behind Steven Spielberg's big sci-fi moving-picture show has had a tough time figuring out promotional posters. First, in that location was the leg scandal. Then, the dreaded homages. Now, no movie poster volition ever be the same.

Gru's program

When Despicable Me's Gru first presented his steal-the-moon plan information technology ended with him sitting on the toilet -- i.east., a development he hadn't anticipated. (Oops!) You shouldn't be surprised to run across that his other bright ideas also have hiccups.

Krusty Krab vs. Chum Saucepan

A dainty visual representation to sum upwards your spiciest of takes. You know how this goes: expert vs. evil, winner vs. loser, the old Snapchat vs. the new Snapchat.

Ben Affleck's back tattoo

Pitiful Affleck can't take hold of a intermission. In the summertime of 2015, the tabloids pounced on pics that showed the thespian -- post-split with Jennifer Garner -- sporting what looked similar a big, midlife-crisis-y tattoo of something. Information technology turned out to be a garish phoenix, the kind that's and then bad Affleck would later on tellActress's Mario Lopez it was "fake for a movie." Only no. Every bit The New Yorker'south Naomi Fry put it, the tat has "returned to haunt the headlines, itself a phoenix ascension from the ashes of gossip rags by."

"Infinity War is the well-nigh ambitious crossover event in history"

Is information technology?

American Chopper argument

(Not and so) long ago, there existed a program titled American Chopper, about the Teutul family unit, a tough bunch of guys who built smashing bikes. Today, this heated scene from said show, in which Paul Teutul Sr. and Paul Teutul Jr. contend with words and then chairs, is dorsum from the dead as a template for staging new arguments. Regardless of the stakes, the intensity always remains the aforementioned. Which is very, very proficient.

SpongeBob NoPants

In the Season 1 episode "Nature Pants," SpongeBob ditched his bottoms to live free as a jellyfish, with the jellyfish. This upsets Patrick -- fun fact: the one and onlySavage Patrick -- which leads to a cat-and-mouse-style chase that tuckers the li'l sponge guy out and prompts him to accept a breather. Now, his burnout from that moment persists as a way for you to express your own fatigue. Whether it's due to paying for expensive things, putting on a fitted sail all by yourself, or, peradventure most appropriate, seeing Some other freaking SpongeBob meme.

For the Damaged Coda

In the 10th episode of Rick and Morty, as (spoiler alert!) Evil Morty doffs his eye patch and reveals his, you know, evildoing, Blonde Redhead's "For the Damaged Coda" blares. Information technology's an exclamation point for the horror show that is "Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind." That twist, though! Nosotros loved it. We besides beloved that the needle drop lives on as the soundtrack for the world'southward other near punishing twists.

Is This Your Male monarch?

In Black Panther, before handily trouncing T'Challa, Michael B. Jordan'south Killmonger yells, "Is this your rex?" He can't believe people could follow such an unworthy ruler. Perhaps unsurprisingly, his incredulity has gone on to accept many other forms and targets.


Over the course of the final few months, this insanely popular, addictive freemium game has become influential on a staggering scale -- whether you're aware of it or not. Fortnite has wooed endless celebs, concerned just as many parents, and invaded the sports world. The cult of the game can be baffling, merely it'due south very real. Only dance.

Squinting woman

It's another heartwearming story of an average man being thirsty for likes, just like you and me, condign a viral meme. Twitter user @solo_kalin posted a backside-the-scenes photograph of an Instagram photo shoot where she was twisted upwardly into some tough-to-hold poses in iv" heels. Her exasperation is existent!


Hither nosotros are. April, so cruel a month that this year it probably messed with your concept of spring, made you reconsider your plans for an apocalypse bunker, and (re-)birthed the lame "If Y'all Can't Handle Me at My X" affair. WILD. As for that last signal, though, the internet's gatekeeper, Chrissy Teigen, thankfully dubbed the rehash washed before information technology could really restart, and we don't demand to talk about it much more considering, truly, stranger shit happened:

twitter sparkles


From whence came these magical Twitter sparkles? And why? We know not, but we hope the forecast calls for more.

Yodel Boi

When 12-year-onetime Mason Ramsey, aka Lil Hank (yep, as in Williams), went to Walmart at the end of March, he probably didn't realize he was going to light upward the net. He did. Non long afterwards posting upwardly at Spill Clean-Upwards Station J8 and yodeling through "Lovesick Blues," the budding musician was getting remixed and... performing at Coachella? Uh, yep. Nosotros conceptualize his viii Mile-style Netflix original biopic existent soon.

Rihanna's Torso Lava

To promote her new body lava, the singer... applied information technology. Simply wait a sec. Promotion? Or challenge? Many viewed information technology equally the latter, grabbing whatever they could -- mop, boot, pupper -- and doing their best to out-apply her.

Mark Zuckerberg

Almost the beginning of the month, the world got to see Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg testify in front end of Congress about the Cambridge Analytica scandal. The effect gave the man known as Zucc majorly renewed meme interest (see: Zucc juice, booster seats, and robot quips, among many other things). Well-nigh importantly, though, we learned that Zucc non protec, Zucc non attac, instead he just get super thicc.

Who killed Hannibal?

Nowadays, everyone'due south a hypocrite.

Floating boy chasing running boy

Sad this meme doesn't have a catchier proper name because this confounding dorm room moment deserves better.


A Creepy Deathclaw from Fallout or… a balmy-mannered outsider who just wants to experience seen? Judge for yourself, but we think Дpyr (i.due east., "friend") is tragically misunderstood.


Where were you when the world went gorl crazy?


Is this a pigeon?

No. P.Due south.: Though this anime nevertheless -- from the '90s serial The Brave Fighter of Sunday Fighbird -- has been making the rounds on the internet for at least half a dozen years, it's been revived, similar a sassy Lazarus, for remixes and Distracted Boyfriend-esque object-labeling. Read more about its legitimately fascinating origins hither.

Yanny or Laurel

This aural version of #TheDress (RI-non-P) got so big so fast it spawned several crossovers, a scattering of existent-globe changes (see above), and at least one tingly, erotic short story. Then, as with well-nigh things in 2018, it fizzled out almost as quickly every bit it started, and thank God.

By Age 35

At the beginning of the year, MarketWatch published an article about coin milestones, sharing what retirement experts thought Millennials' finances should look like once they reach their 30s. 1 of the key takeaways -- used in a tweet promoting the story -- said, "Past 35, you should accept twice your salary saved." The helpful "get rich!" communication wasn't roasted immediately, but by the time Mother's Day rolled around, many readers were rolling in a surplus of reality checks and other suggestions.

The 2018 Royal Wedding

Arizona Iced Tea dresses, a Green-Screen Queen, IRL Disney moments, and… Louis Litt -- Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Royal Hymeneals truly had no dearth of meme-orable moments.

We live in a society

If you're having trouble grasping the context and apply of this, just recollect dorsum to the "you vs. the guy she tells yous not to worry about" meme. Twist that to fit under-appreciated cultural artifacts vs. its viral analogue and y'all've got it downwards. More than or less.

I don't feel and then good

Poor Spidey. "I don't feel then good," said Tom Holland'southward young hero at the stop of Avengers: Infinity War, when (spoiler alarm!) he and everybody else who definitely aren't expressionless began disintegrating. A heartbreaking moment, to be sure. OK, perhaps non. But definitely, every bit you might take immediately sensed, a great refrain and visual for other things that are in danger or fading abroad. Works specially well, in fact, for cancellations.

Stairwell Kermit

The Kermit memes were getting darker, but we never idea it would come to this );


LeBron's reaction to J.R. Smith'south screwup

All year, Cleveland'due south LeBron James has been a steady font of basketball meme-spiration. At that place was the big trade, the self-congratulations for scoring thirty,000 NBA points, the never-ending MJ comparisons, the LeBron clones. The fun, of class, started striking fever-pitch levels the beginning of this summer, when the NBA superstar turned an unlikely postseason into his eighth Finals appearance -- an amazing, age-defying feat. But perhaps no one will forget that frustrating, almost glorious Game one masterpiece-turned-tragedy that gave birth to LeBron's wholly relatable reaction. C'mon, J.R.

Waluigi's Smash Snub

Earlier this summer, Super Smash Bros. fans were gifted the news that the franchise'south much-anticipated Ultimate title would include "everyone" that had previously been playable. (Non to mention some notable newcomers.) What a party! Sadly, it appears someone's invite got lost in the post: none other than the Nintendo meme king himself, Waluigi. An injustice. A travesty -- one that generated endless wah-ing, a tribute, and a Netflix testify that we need ASAP.

The near successful people I've met

If you've used the net in the last... since information technology'due south been around, yous might have noticed earnestness doesn't always fare very well. Twitter user "Pomp" learned this truth the hard style earlier in the summer when he listed the habits of the most successful people he's met. The tweet offered tips that ranged from the concrete ("Workout daily") to the more abstract ("Accept laser focus," "Demand excellence in everything they practise"). The listing was helpful, inspiring, and, of course, ripe for mocking.

Senegal's Jitney

The World Cup giveth and the World Cup taketh away. We know this truth to be self-evident, but when the tournament giveth, it giveth some truly, truly Good Things. Example in point: Senegal coach Aliou Cissé, whose celebration (and basically everything else he did) during his squad's two-1 victory over Poland, became the best meme of the 2018 World Loving cup yet.

Boar Vessel

At the finish of 2012, some generous soul uploaded a pic of this sculpture, from the Cleveland Museum of Art, to Wikimedia Commons, describing information technology, succinctly, equally "Boar Vessel, 600-500 BC, Etruscan, ceramic." Little did the uploader know, this motion picture would ane day go the gift that, for some reason, kept on giving. Indeed, information technology's taken a while to pick upwards steam, but now, kind of similar 2018's version of "öats," it'southward become everyone'due south most (inexplicably) prized possession. The new King of Random even has its ain subreddit.

Ye album covers

Kanye West put out his new album Ye on June 1. The music is fine, but more important than that is all the memes the cover -- which says "I detest being Bi-Polar / its awesome" -- inspired. Information technology's reminiscent of 2015's If You're Reading This It's Too Belatedly meme.

*slaps roof of auto*

Yet another meme that lived a past life in 2014, *slaps roof of car* has rolled dorsum around the block equally the main template for snake oil salesmanship.

Young Thug on the calculator

Here'south Immature Thug hard at work on probably a burn down track with Lil Durk to his right, our left, who happens to look like he'due south hacking the mainframe.

Big Dick Energy

Large Dick Energy was born when Ariana Grande got to tweeting some of Pete Davidson'southward personal stats. In short, Big Dick Free energy defined ways confidence without being big-headed, cool without trying too hard, chill without being directionless. Big Dick Energy is a certain je ne sais quoi a person exudes. A large dick is not actually required to possess this elusive quality.


Polite cat

Though the prototype originated on 9gag, this (very faux) text exchange between a renter with a (definitely photoshopped) derpy-faced true cat and the chillest landlord of all time kicked off the Polite Cat meme.

click to play video


Howard the alien

The goofy looking grey conflicting dancing to a deep-fried version of Lil Uzi Vert's "Money Longer" cannot really be explained… information technology can merely be experienced.


The two stiff men engaged in this very masculine handshake is actually a fan illustration uploaded to deviantART in 2012 of a scene from 1987'southward Predator. Dutch (Arnold Schwarzenegger) turns to observe his old buddy Dillon (Carl Weathers) waiting for him, exclaiming "Dillon! You son of a bowwow." The buff men approach and engage in a friendly strongman handshake, the shot lingering on the interlocking arms to emphasize simply how ripped The Arnold and Weathers are. The image became a true meme in May when the confounding revelation that Elon Musk and Grimes were dating, only it didn't quite accept off widely until months later. Such is the way of the meme. Use handshakes to demonstrate the common interests of two seemingly opposing factions. Subgenres of the handshake meme include business organisation handshakes, shut-up handshakes, multi-person wrist-grabbing orgy, fists in, and holding hands.

Parody Elon Musk accounts

The unhinged technolibertarian CEO of Telsa is known to fire off tweets like throwing pennies into a wishing well, which usually turns his dumbass comments into "Elon Musk said what??" kind of viral moments. Clever Twitter users capitalized on his oftentimes-confounding opinions into stereotypical nationality + Elon Musk accounts (Italian Elon Musk, French Élon Musque) to dutifully mock the guy. Soon after, Twitter started temporarily banning any users with "Elon Musk" in their display names, allegedly to scissure downward on crypto scamming. All accounts were short-lived, but they were an indelible presence for their all-as well-brief lives.

The Aquaman poster

Jason Momoa is Aquaman! The first images for this DC Comics adaptation were released mid-July, and boy oh boy, did the cyberspace have its hayday with the confluence of stock fish images the poster relied on for its packed underworld of sea creatures.

Melania gardening

She has definitely never washed whatever transmission labor for one mean solar day of her life.


give carly rae jepsen a sword

Give Carly Rae Jepsen a sword

Tumblr user asketh, Carly Rae Jepsen receiveth. A social media campaign that started on Tumblr via u/swordlesbianopinions, demanding the pop icon become a sword, migrated to Twitter spawning various accounts and plenty of fan art. The prophecy was fulfilled at Lollapallooza in early Baronial: During "Cut to the Feeling," a fan handed Carly Rae Jepsen a goddamn inflatable sword. Rarely do we meet follow through of a meme like this!

Bibble singing

Bibble, for those of us who don't keep up with the Barbie picture catechism, is a talking (?) pet (?) fairy (?) that follows Barbie and her crew doing whatever they do in the Barbie Cinematic Universe. The deep-fried meme was specifically screenshotted from 2006's Barbie: Mermadia, where Bibble discovers magic berries that compel him to sing, sing, sing! Use Bibble anytime you desire to belt out your embarrassing favorite songs from your youth free of remorse or shame.

"Hurt me"

"Things during sexual activity" has been a popular theme for memes this twelvemonth; the "hurt me" format is just another in a string of too-real jokes on Twitter.

Tony Militarist's Pro Skater

The covers of these iconic skate video games are the templates for whatever the hell y'all desire them to be.

To All The Boys…

In August, Netflix released its latest in a string of rom-com movies, Jenny Han's adapted YA novel To All the Boys I've Loved Before. Naturally, the mouthful of a title was co-opted by Online in a selective example of Good, Nihilist Fandom. Runner up in TATBILB memedom is a universal obsession with leading heartthrob, Peter Kavinsky.

Johnny Johnny Yep Papa

Johnny Johnny Yes Papa, a deranged plant nursery rhyme most eating sugar loosely set to the melody of "Twinkle Twinkle Trivial Star," is brain-meltingly troubling, absurd, and stupid. The original Johnny Johnny song dates dorsum to a 2012 blithe YouTube video starring a homemade Peter Griffin and a random weepy kid. Post-obit iterations of JJYP have improved on the song, the imagery, and the characters, leading to an entire genre of YouTube videos (i of which has become one of the nearly-watched viral videos of the year) and a whole subreddit devoted to sharing them. It officially became a 2018 meme when a clip surfaced on Twitter; the disproportionately large-headed baby and his mustachioed pa-PA broke everyone's encephalon, sending them into a descending spiral of madness. One cannot truly draw the stifling viscerality of Johnny Johnny Yes Papa; one must experience it for oneself.

Glory full names

The Rock's full name is Theodore Rockefeller. Lil Pump'southward real name is Lilliam Pumpanickel. 50 Cent'south total name is 50th Century. Cheers to this Google screenshot meme, which dates back to a bleep in 2015, we know these to be definitely truthful and not verifiably false facts virtually celebs' names.

Actually start dressin

The start of fall ways more layers, baby!! Oversized everything (coats, shoes, hats, scarves, etc.) became the visual cues for the seasonal shifts when people get to really commencement dressin.

Exercise Y'all Hear Sumn

Of the multitude of Spongebob memes, Squidward hadn't yet had his breakout moment until Exercise You Hear Sumn came along. Taking his feature no-fucks-given attitude and applying it in situations nosotros simply can't deal with, Do You Hear Sumn works beyond any cartoon graphic symbol with a scowl.


A Star is Born

The thrice-remade picture about edifice up a atypical talent starring Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga had only released a trailer when the memes started actualization. Everything from press appearances (where name placards read "B. Cooper" and "L. Gaga") to trailer mashups to screenshotted images macros accept flourished across the internet, making A Star Is Built-in likely the virtually memed movie of all time.

Colin Kaepernick'due south Nike ad

In early September, Nike released the latest version of its Just Practice It campaign featuring the face of Colin Kaepernick, who has finer been blacklisted from the NFL for peacefully protesting police force brutality confronting African-Americans by taking a knee joint during the national anthem, underneath the slogan, "Believe in something. Fifty-fifty if it means sacrificing everything." Reactionary conservatives (starting with Alec Baldwin) rapidly jumped on the ad, making their own bad versions (see: Mike Huckabee, et al.) and destroying their Nike products to cold-shoulder the brand (which failed: Nike has made $6 billion since the ad came out). Just anybody else came to play, besides, which resulted in some seriously sick burns of the people setting their Nike shoes on fire, and chilly memes.

Elon Musk smoking weed

Equally if the globe needed some other reason to think about Elon Musk pretending that he's a "cool, down-to-world guy," he went onto Joe Rogan's podcast and smoked some weed. Remember, Musk basically credits this very chill pastime to his not-so-new girlfriend, Claire Boucher, aka the musician Grimes.

Bongo cat

Information technology's a beautiful little guy that plays various musical instruments! This isn't a reference to annihilation; a flailing Rogu (that's the true cat's proper noun) was fatigued and animated by Twitter user @StrayRogue back in May, and in September, u/DitzyFlama uploaded a video of Rogu banging on some bongos to YouTube. The remixes came rolling in shortly after.

Netflix adaptations

Netflix is notorious for producing piles of B-level movies, and its inconsistent quality of programming is responsible for this meme, which, in its purest grade, escalates from "Manga" to "Anime" to "Netflix adaptation," the jankiest-looking of all.

Zendaya is Meechee

Zendaya is Meechee. LeBron James is Gwangi. Danny DeVito is Dorgle. Former Vine star Gabriel Gundacker, cheers for turning these Smallfoot promotional posters into art.


For a cursory moment, Gritty was just the newly unveiled, googly eyed mascot for the Philadelphia Flyers. Approximately five seconds after the absurd annunciation video was posted to Twitter, Gritty transcended the hockey rink and into the zeitgeist, becoming eyelid-less nightmare fuel and, more than chiefly, the nonbinary genderqueer icon of fall, reportedly dating the Philly Phanatic (not different to the ascension of aircraft The Babadook and Pennywise). Yes, Gritty memes itself, but that but means that Gritty has a superb and self-aware online presence.


Moths are drawn to lamps. Why did this specific reddit user-captured photo of a glowing-eyed moth spawned a meme genre? I dunno, why do moths similar light, human being?

"Why do good girls similar bad guys"

Tik Tok, F.K.A., is a hell app where people essentially make looping videos of themselves lip-syncing to brusk clips of songs or user-uploaded material. It's basically Vine minus virtually of the originality and magic that went into making the defunct app good. This "challenge" -- fix to a specific line from the 2012 vocal "Adept Girls Bad Guys" past Falling In Reverse, a nu-core band of sometime theater kids with shitty haircuts -- swept Tik Tok in late summer every bit a less expert version of "Karma's a bitch" (meet: Jan).

"Party Rock Anthem" BPM

Jog your retention back to 2011, when uncle-nephew DJ duo LMFAO was inescapable, peculiarly song of summertime "Party Rock Canticle." OK, now come up back to 2018 where the trip the light fantastic apocalypse video for the earworm has been hijacked for this very good meme where people figured out that tons of other anachronistic songs (ie. Neon Genesis Evangelion theme, Baton Joel's "Uptown Girl," etc.) have the exact same beats per infinitesimal of "Party Rock Canticle," and prepare them to the choreography during the main riff of the song you wish you could forget.


Back on Tik Tok, "ways to say 'dame'" took off, especially within the cosplaying community. "Dame" (pronounced "dah-meh") is Japanese for "bad" or "no good," and this unsourced vocal is a lesson in different ways a person could limited criticism with it (ie. cute, like a car, with an echo, strangely, etc.). The net, what a identify!!!!!!!

Jordan Peele'south Obama meet and greet

This newly object labeled Obama sketch from Key & Peele back in 2014 won the approval of Jordan Peele himself. That's how you know information technology'southward quality.

Weird flex just ok

This catchphrase has existed in the online lexicon for some time, simply information technology wasn't until September 2018 that information technology harnessed its true purpose: owning huge dumbasses for bragging most incredibly inane things (see: to a higher place tweet). Now it'south so popular, you lot'll hear information technology casually dropped in real-life conversations with even the biggest normie y'all know.


September 30th vs. October 1st

The internet loves the spooky calendar month, and to commemorate: a meme.

Presidential alert

FEMA blasted a nationwide "Presidential Alert" on October three at two:18pm to test a new emergency alert system. The text itself was annoying only innocuous, and we the people got a few good jokes out of it.

Fat Deport Calendar week

OK, and then Fatty Comport Week is exactly what you'd expect information technology'd be: a commemoration of the fattest bears who, gearing upwards for hibernation this winter, can't and won't stop eating enormous amounts of food several times their bodyweight. Specifically, this pertains to the bears residing in Katmai National Park in Alaska, where the geniuses who run the park'south social media presence drew up a March Madness-like subclass to get people to tune into their live nature feeds. A singular day in 2015 expanded to a week due to the public'southward ravenous response to the fattest bears in America. This isn't equally much of a meme as is it a lifestyle.

Permit's get this bread

Anybody was perfectly content to leave the hustler mantra "permit's get this bread" back in the year information technology belongs (2007, cheers for asking) until World Staff of life Day reared its ugly head to haunt us all.

"thank u, next"

Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande's cyclone appointment and breakup, God bless 'em, happened to bring us a pop banger Grande dropped an hr before an SNL episode went live (where Davidson addressed their relationship during a Weekend Update segment). It wasn't long for the vocal about affectionate your exes was appropriated into a popular meme format pulled from the lyrics: one taught me love, one taught me patience, one taught me pain.


A greatly big true cat is heretofore known every bit a "chonk."


Non a cellphone in sight

Don't you but miss the days before cell phones were everywhere???? When we could justappreciate the moment?? Aforementioned, same.

Voting in 2016 vs. voting in 2018

It's been a existent doozy these by 2 years.

surprised pikachu

Surprised Pikachu

This screenshot of Pikachu from Season 1 of the original Pokémon Tv set series floated around the Tumblr-sphere for a month or and so before its breakthrough moment when the super-cuteDetective Pikachu trailer was released in November.

"Don't say it"

A loathsome meme! Why is it on this list, and then? Because yous numbskulls won't stop using it!

Microwaving a turkey

Y'know how there was a bunch of salmonella warnings about turkey and romaine lettuce right around Thanksgiving? It follows, then, that the idea of microwaving a 25 pound turkey would set off the "NO, DON'T Do THAT" alert, which makes the prank text of asking your mom how to all-time microwave a turkey and screenshotting it sorta funny.

Grape surgery

OK, so first off: The original video this meme comes from is OLD. Information technology'south from 2010, where doctors in suburban Illinois were showing off their latest state-of-the-art robotic surgical technology. This isn't fifty-fifty the first fourth dimension information technology's gone viral; Information technology'due south more similar the third. Anyway, nobody tin finish saying, "They did surgery on a grape," thank you to the Instagram meme account @simpledorito screenshotting a year-quondam text-on-screen video by Cheddar that said, absurdly, "They did surgery on a grape." (Yes, it'south real.) If you didn't know already, they did surgery on a grape.

He's not your man

The ol' allurement and switch!

Video killed the radio star

This meme is night, then of course it would provide a perfect template for conspiracy theories and generally taboo topics in a palatable format relying on the classic Buggles' hit, "Video Killed the Radio Star."


In late November, an Australian news service tweeted about the absolutely massive unit, Kickers the steer. Since then, other publications have begun to one-up Knickers' girth past finding even bigger bovine, the wheel of which nosotros look to last ad infinitum.

Iguana dinner date

Iggy the iguana just couldn't go along it together during the salad course of dinner with his owner Conner. Don't worry, though: Iggy might have taken a difficult fall, simply according to Conner, he'south totally fine.



"Female-presenting nipples"

On December 3, Tumblr appear that it was going to start banning developed content, including "images, videos, or GIFs that show real-life human genitals or female person-presenting nipples." The backfire, exterior of the legitimate outrage at the blogging platform's decision to censor content that drove a 5th of its monthly traffic, centered mostly effectually the confounding phrase "female-presenting nipples," considering what does that fifty-fifty hateful?

Know Your Meme

Terminate using anti-animal language

The People hold: PETA officially took their activism too far with a chart well-nigh how to exist less "speciesist" in idioms.

Sonic the Hedgehog

If yous oasis't heard all the same, we're getting a Sonic the Hedgehog movie in 2019, with Sonic voiced past comedian Ben Schwartz, who had a very funny appearance on Larry King At present. The most agonizing of the new Sonic memes: probably his beefy legs!

"[X] is a Christmas movie"

This flavor of yuletide, people decided to resurrect the bad and boring argue: Is Die Hard a Christmas flick? The respond is, who cares!!! The Christmas Dialogue Fatigue resulted in psychotic spillover that progressed from crowning movies that sort've have the holidays in the background every bit Christmas movies to calling Venom a Christmas movie.

Guys are icky

First it was apartments. Then, it was the bathrooms. Men, get your shit together.

Turtleneck sweater dogs

The coziest, most chichi Turkish greyhounds on the internet.

This post has been updated throughout.

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